Crash flight MH17

We the people of STNL (the Foundation for Co-operative Trauma Assistance Netherlands) think you heard about the crash of the airplane of Malaysian Airlines

Co-operative Organisation of Trauma Help Netherlands (STNL)

What is STNL?

The Organisation for Co-operative Trauma Assistance Netherlands was founded in 2003 by the initiative of concerned citizens.

STNL follows a holistic human approach that takes cognisance of the continuance of the soul after its earthly demise. The assistance therefore concerns itself in addition, in principle, with the period just prior to and after the death of humans and animals.

STNL has adopted the characteristics of a network organisation that is carried out by many volunteers and other concerned parties that can relate to the principles and goals of STNL.


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This article is in conjunction with the basic information that can be found in the 7 Booklets of the First Aid Kit, First Aid Kit dealing with Catastrophe and Disaster as per this website.

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