Crash flight MH17

We the people of STNL (the Foundation for Co-operative Trauma Assistance Netherlands) think you heard about the crash of the airplane of Malaysian Airlines

Curative Approach.

STNL wishes to make available complementary help and aid possibilities and knowledge to enhance the regular forms of help and services by making an inventory, by development and dissemination (spreading) of prior knowledge, with the ultimate goal, being that this knowledge be applied in practice.
This may be via the help services in a crisis situation after the occurrence of a calamity. Those who find themselves in a crisis situation and who have at their disposal, possibilities within their situation to help themselves and others by the utilisation of simple methods, can improve the circumstances.

In addition STNL can contribute to forms of distance relayed energetic help to assist in crisis situations via specially gifted persons’ who make themselves available for this purpose. Directed forms of meditation, prayer and other forms of energetic help may also achieve this.

By participation in an advisory capacity in crisis teams, STNL is able to provide assistance and guidance in co-operation with local authorities and other crisis prevention organisations.

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Radioactieve straling

Wat kun je doen als besmetting met radioactieve deeltjes of blootstelling aan straling dreigt of heeft plaatsgevonden?
De hierbij aangereikte informatie kan niet totaal beschermen bij blootstelling aan radioactieve stoffen en/of straling. Maar met de tips kan wel vermindering van de gevolgen worden bereikt.
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