Crash flight MH17

We the people of STNL (the Foundation for Co-operative Trauma Assistance Netherlands) think you heard about the crash of the airplane of Malaysian Airlines

EHBR-kit: Table of contents:


Types of disasters; general introduction

1. The Red Booklet
This book speaks about primary physical Survival and related exercises and remedies.

2. The Orange Booklet
Speaks about the importance of a feeling of “ We”.

3. The Yellow Booklet
Deals with coping and control of emotions. creating peace on an emotional level.

4. The Green Booklet
Directs help from the heart to others and oneself.
All the other books are connected with this book, making living from the heart a central point in life.

5. The Turquoise Booklet
This book deals with the need for an honest and clear expression of feelings and considerations, in addition to the associated aspects of good communication and leadership.

6. The Indigo Booklet
This book is focused on the promotion of clear thinking and clear insight, which enables good overview of situations.

7. The lilac Booklet
Is focused on the promotion of cosmic connectedness with the Universal Unity, the Spirit of Guidance and Healing.
(by means of breath, meditation, prayer and light-exercises).

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Radioactieve straling

Wat kun je doen als besmetting met radioactieve deeltjes of blootstelling aan straling dreigt of heeft plaatsgevonden?
De hierbij aangereikte informatie kan niet totaal beschermen bij blootstelling aan radioactieve stoffen en/of straling. Maar met de tips kan wel vermindering van de gevolgen worden bereikt.
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