Crash flight MH17

We the people of STNL (the Foundation for Co-operative Trauma Assistance Netherlands) think you heard about the crash of the airplane of Malaysian Airlines

First Aid Kit

1st Aid Disaster Kit.

A publication of the Co-operative Organisation of Trauma Help Netherlands (STNL): and the First Aid Kit for Disasters (Disaster 1st Aid Kit).

This publication is made available to all who wish to orientate themselves on what complementary aid can offer to minimise the effects of a disaster should it eventually occur in the Netherlands, or elsewhere in the world.

Natural disasters that have their origin in the changing climatic conditions are, in our present time, unavoidable. In the Netherlands people are becoming increasingly aware of what the impact of even a small disaster may mean in our small densely populated country, including the large amount of potential victims, unless we thoroughly prepare ourselves in advance.

The government is taking a lot of precautions and many programmes are being developed, for example, the psychological defences of children and adults against the material effects of different types of disasters.
Insight from a complementary view is still in abeyance. To this end STNL has developed and compiled The Booklets.

You can download these Booklets in PDF format. To read the Booklets you will require the programme, Acrobat Reader.

The First aid Kit is made up of the following:
- Foreword
- Content
- General Description of Types of Disasters
1. The Red Booklet
2. The Orange Booklet
3. The Yellow Booklet
4. The Green Booklet
5. The Turquoise Booklet
6. The Indigo Booklet
7. The Lilac Booklet

At the end of each Booklet three possible types of disasters are discussed in association with the theme of the Booklet concerned.
- Natural disasters
- Disasters due to human failing
- Disasters due to a terrorist attack.

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Radioactieve straling

Wat kun je doen als besmetting met radioactieve deeltjes of blootstelling aan straling dreigt of heeft plaatsgevonden?
De hierbij aangereikte informatie kan niet totaal beschermen bij blootstelling aan radioactieve stoffen en/of straling. Maar met de tips kan wel vermindering van de gevolgen worden bereikt.
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